Tuesday 18 September 2012

Learning Outcome 1: Research


  • GLSEN is a well-established organization in the United States that seeks to end harassment, discrimination and bullying centered around sexual orientation, gender identity and gender expression in K-12 school.
  • GLSEN is an organisation founded in 1990 and was (and still) headquartered in New York City, United States. 
  • GLSEN’s main purpose is to raise awareness of any form of bullying or harassment based on sexual orientation and gender identity and educate
  • They Create campaigns like the think before you speak, in which they would make posters, use Celebrity influence in adverts and short films to spread a message about the use of the term ‘that’s so gay’) and protect all involved individual, both victim and victimizer (thought online, telephone lines and community programs to advise and assist the involved party’s).

Why there was a need for an action video?
GLSEN creates new action videos and campaigns on a monthly and in some cases weekly bases. This is because, for an organization like GLSEN that try to appeal to teenagers around the ages of 12-17, videos are the best source of communication with their target audience as such sites as YouTube and Facebook are used by this range of individuals the most and videos have become one of the most effect ways to communicate and educate them.
What was the action video trying to get across?
The action video was an insight of how the process of the ‘think before you speak campaign has successfully transitioned its work and message around its targeted location and audience. Using this strategy, this action video also shines a light on the think before you speak campaign, which informs and educates the audience of the negativity within certain phrases (mainly) teenagers use such as ‘That’s so gay’..
Is it for local, national or global change?
Although GLSEN strives to influence and change the way of live for teenagers in the United States, their message has becomes a global interest and because this video is made for YouTube (a very global website), the impact and purpose of this video is intended for a global influence.
Is it to change attitudes or raise awareness - how does it do this?
This action video seems to aim to do both tasks of changing attitudes and raising awareness, and it sends a message (raising awareness) and explaining their opinion on that message (changing attitudes). They do this by using, point (they make the point that certain terms we use are offence), example (they show examples of how offended people are by these terms) and explanation (they therefore explain why those terms cause so much offence). Their also use a method to reach to their target audience well, which is celebrity influence. GLSEN is now well known for using star-power (Celebrities) in their action videos, and campaigns, in order to effectively reach their target audience (as teenagers around the ages of 12-17 are known to be most influenced by celebrities in their lives). 
To change stereotypes / representations of groups?
The intention of this video seems to focus more on changing the representation of groups (which is what the organization itself is intending to achieve),because the main focus of the video seems to be the think before you speak campaign, which emphasis a change on certain negative and offensive phrases and terms used against homosexual people.
To strengthen a community? 
This action video doesn’t aim to strengthen a community but to change the way people precive a certain community, in order to make them feel more comfortable and accepted.
Provide information?
This action video, provides a lot of information about GLSEN, including their purpose and mission, they do this by showing a clip in the beginning of a conference in which, two representatives of GLSEN provide viewers with facts of the history of GLSEN and how it’s affected the targeted individuals. It then goes on to showing who its effected and explaining why. 
Is it a campaign? 
this particular action video, could be considered a campaign, but it seems to advertise a campaign, though it isn’t one itself, nevertheless it seems to do the same job and leaves the same effect upon its audience 
Does it want to build relationships? 
This video doesn’t seem to aim to build a relationship between ay groups, but it aims to strengthen and bring an alliance and understanding in the relationship between groups (heterosexuals and homosexuals).  
Who is being interviewed and why?
In this action video, a lot of the people do not seem to be getting interviewed by anyone as a lot of the clips are commentary, although there are two teenagers who do appear near the end of the video tht seem to be getting interviewed;
Richard Walsh -
He is interviewed because he plays a major role in the support of the GLSEN movement as he is the Gay-Straight Alliance President, which makes him crucial to the video because showing someone who is close to the target audiences age range and is making a difference, sparks aspiration and influence towards the audience.
Faith Ross -
Faith is interviewed in this section because it’s vital to have someone in the video the audience can relate to. For the fact that faith is a member of the Gay-Straight Alliance, she plays the part of a victim or someone who believes in the cause, so audience can relate and potentially get more emotionally involved with the video. 

  • UNICEF (Standing for United Nations International Children's Emergency Fund) is a United Nations Programme has been created to provide long-term care and developmental support for mothers and children in developing countries.
  •  headquartered in New York City, and founded in December 1946
  • UNICEF depends on contributions and donations from governments and private donors
  • UNICEF's programs highlight developing community-level services to endorse the health and welfare of children and was awarded the Nobel Peace Prize in 1965 
  • Most of UNICEF's work is in the field, with staff in over 390 countries and terrains. 
  • UNICEF's Supply Division serves as the primary point of distribution for such essential items as vaccinesantiretroviral medicines for children and mothers with HIV, nutritional supplements, emergency shelters, educational supplies, among others.
  •  The Executive Board is made up of government representatives who are chosen by the United Nations Economic and Social Council, usually for three-year terms. The current lead representative is Anthony Lake
  • UNICEF is an inter-governmental organization
Why there was a need for an action video?
There are a number of different action videos for the UNICEF organization, due to the large scale of its worldwide success. For organizations like UNICEF, action videos are extremely important as UNICEF can afford to broadcast them on television, which is one of them most highly effective ways to advertise and spread the word for your organization, as television is viewed by a large majority of people in the world. This action video is also very vital to the organization as it is an easier and more reliable source of information to view for the interested individuals, as the organization is based on a largely complex manner.
Is it for local, national or global change?
UNICEF is a globally successful organization (they were once the main sponsors of the FC Barcelona football club) all their action video therefore needs to be able to reach and successfully have a global effect (certain elements in the video like showing different countries embarking the same troubling situation is prove that this organizations aims for a global change)
Is it to change attitudes or raise awareness - how does it do this?
This action video aims to raise awareness; this is evident in the way the video successfully consistently tosses factual information at the audience throughout. From the beginning to the end of the video, the narration and commentary log doesn’t discuss or inform the audience of anything that is opinion based or persuasive language all information is strictly fact and informative 
To change stereotypes / representations of groups?
This action video does not aim to change stereotypes nor the representation of a group, it strictly aims to inform its audience about the its purpose and its aims (mission).
To strengthen a community? This video defiantly aims to strengthen a community as at the beginning of the video it constantly emits horrifying and shocking statistics and information, which would leave the audience feeling sympathetic and obliged and know more about the cause, which would lead some of them in to helping donate to the struggling community/group of individuals.
Provide information?
Not only is providing information an key element to this video, it seems to be the only element to this video, as the video seems to state facts and information throughout.
Is it a campaign?
This video is a campaign, and it’s part of the under-5 morality rate, campaign which is an annually created and updated campaign for UNICEF
Does it want to build relationships?
the main purpose of this video is to inform, building relationships doesn’t seem to be the aim and neither is it a result of the video, after watching the video I find that it only serves the purpose of giving you the facts straight up only.
Who is being interviewed and why?
This video consists of no interviews, just one commentary from Renee Van De Weerdt who is a UNICEF’s chief of maternal, new-born and childcare. This is for the reason that, interviews commonly provide a bias result and because the video is trying to run away from being bias, it rejects interviews completely. 


  • Wycombe Youth Action is a youth organization based in High Wycombe, for the local youth to empower a diverse range of young people to build hopes and aspirations.
  • WYA claim to reduce social exclusion by supporting youth volunteering and educational, social, employment and personal development needs.
  • WYA delivers quality services, which promotes independence and empowerment of young people.
  • WYA involves young people in a range of projects which help them develop such skills as reliability, commitment, teamwork, communication skills, and self-esteem. 
  • We try to achieve innovative projects such as Blink FMstreet danceurban artvolunteering and more.

Why there was a need for an action video?

Wycombe youth action is not  a very high popular organization, though it is a local action group it still isn’t too harshly involved within the community so far, which is why the action video is so necessary. Having an action video is very important for this action group right now, especially if it is within popular websites as it will advertise and promote the action group, which will make it more popular and allowing more locals to join and became part of it
What was the action video trying to get across?
The main point of the video was to show a certain aspect to what WYA can offer and do; it was intended to act like an advert. WYA state that they support a variety of different activities and projects, one of which is street dance, which is what this video advertises.
Is it for local, national or global change?
This video is for a local change as its set in the heart of the local town that is High Wycombe (Eden Town Centre), it only strictly promotes and shows the WYA performances and all the individuals involved are High Wycombe residents, all these elements make it clear that this video was intended for its local towns appeal (High Wycombe)  Is it to change attitudes or raise awareness - how does it do this?
This video’s mainly serves the purpose of raising awareness as its advertising the WYA group only, the whole video shows a small interview which introduces the group, what they do, and what they’re about to do. It then goes on to show a clip of the dance routine performed by the dance group. To change stereotypes / representations of groups?
This action video does not aim to change stereotypes nor the representation of a group, it strictly aims to inform its audience about the its purpose and its aims (mission).
To strengthen a community? this video doesn’t seem to aim to strengthen a community, but arguably it slightly serves that purpose, because the fact that it advertises WAY’s street dance activity (which is commonly known to be a yobs activity in a good light) it shows others in the community that teenagers can showcase their talents into activities and events their locals can be proud of.
Provide information?
This video provides some information about WYA, like the basic event information in the title credits at the beginning, and then there is more indebt detail in the with an interview from a member and a sample of the activity.
Is it a campaign?
This particular action video is not a campaign, but it seems to advertise and do the same job and leaves the same effect upon its audience 
Does it want to build relationships?
This video seems to want to build a relationship between the audience and the organization, as it shares an activity that is participated in by the members of the organization, which lets the audience feel as if their being given a show or preview by the organization.
Who is being interviewed and why?
Jamal is the only person to be interviewed in this action video because he is a well-known dancer in High Wycombe (which is the main location for the organization and aim of the video). And having someone who is known makes the video more relatable and interesting for the viewers. 
Reading Mencap AGM
  • Reading Mencap provides a range of info and support services for the families that have children and adults with learning difficulties and disabilities and Autistic Spectrum Disorders.
  • Reading Mencap has been operating for over 50 years, as it was originally set up in the 1960
  • It was set up and run by the parents of disabled children and continues to be.
  • Their premises is set in 'The Centre', at 21 Alexandra Road, Reading,
  • Their service provides family Advisers to give help and information with those problems which need a bit more support to sort out. 
  • They run a range of clubs and activities for children and adults (which run throughout the year even on school holidays), such as dancing and singing, arts and crafts, games and puzzles and, weather permitting, football in the garden.
Why there was a need for an action video 
And action video was created for the Reading Mencap organization, for promotional reasons. Due to the fact that this specific organization caters to a minority of people in the local area (people with disabilities or learning difficulties) it’s hard for them to obtain a large number of support, as most people do not tend to support an organization that they cannot relate to in any particular manner.
What was the action video trying to get across?
In this action video, there is no change of scene or different (if not any) methods of creative editing (its just one consistent clip of someone being interviews, there are no pictures, music or extra features), this gives the impression that the video is just trying to inform its audience about the organization and why it should be supported   Is it for local, national or global change?
Due to the fact that Reading Mencap is based and created for the reading locals, the action video is promoting and trying to reach out for the local individuals in Reading. Is it to change attitudes or raise awareness - how does it do this?
This video aims mostly to raise awareness, due to the way it’s filmed. Because there is a lack of editing techniques within the video, it shows that the main intension was to inform its audience, not to entertain or spark a particular emotion
To change stereotypes / representations of groups?
This video doesn’t aim to change stereotypes or a representation of groups at all, as its main and only purpose is to inform and promote Reading Mencap and what their about.   To strengthen a community?
This action does not seem to aim to strengthen a community either, because to do so, there would have to be certain elements within the video that spark a sense of emotion, which this video lacks.
Provide information?
This videos intension is definitely aiming to provide information. As it seem like and informative interview or conversation between two people at times rather that an action video.
Is it a campaign? This particular action video is not a campaign, but it advertises and informs the audience about the organization just as well.
Does it want to build relationships? looking at the bigger picture (people will watch this and find out about the organization and want to became a part of it, which will benefit the reading community in a very rich manner, thus bringing the community closer and building relationships with each other),this video does build a relationship between its audience and the organization by being informative, but I do not believe that was the intension.
Who is being interviewed and why?
David Cart is the only person in the video to be interviewed and mainly because he is the chairman of the organization, and because this video aims to inform its audience, they pick the person who has the most information about the organization itself. 

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